Editor support

ooc support in text editors

ooc has a varying level of support among different text editors.

Read on to find if your favourite flavor is supported. If you add support for a new editor, please open an issue on the ooc-lang.org repo.


ooc support for vim is provided by the ooc.vim plug-in. It provides:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Indentation support
  • A syntastic plug-in for use with sam
  • :make command support (launches rock -v)

You can read more at the project repository’s page.


ooc support for emacs is provided by ooc-mode. It provides:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Indentation support
  • On the fly syntax check with flymake-ooc


ooc support for TextMate is provided by ooc.tmbundle.

Sublime Text

  1. You can select something like JavaScript or Objective-C++ (built in) for very basic syntax highlighting.
  2. Associate the ooc language with .ooc and .use files via the language selector in the bottom right of the window.


You can use the TextMate ooc.tmbundle to power the syntax highlighting for ooc within Sublime Text 2 and 3. Sublime Text has great support for TextMate bundles with the exception of commands.

Sublime Text 2

  1. Find your Sublime Text data directory.
  2. Go to it via command line (CMD prompt, Terminal, etc.)
  3. git clone https://github.com/nilium/ooc.tmbundle.git
  4. restart Sublime Text
  5. Associate the ooc language with .ooc and .use files via the language selector in the bottom right of the window.

Sublime Text 3

  1. Find your Sublime Text data directory.
  2. Go to it via command line (CMD prompt, Terminal, etc.)
  3. cd Packages
  4. git clone https://github.com/nilium/ooc.tmbundle.git
  5. restart Sublime Text
  6. Associate the ooc language with .ooc and .use files via the language selector in the bottom right of the window.


The Atom editor can use converted TextMate bundles.

You can easily convert ooc.tmbundle for your own usage, like so:

apm init --package ~/.atom/packages/language-ooc --convert https://github.com/nilium/ooc.tmbundle

You might need to restart Atom to see the changes.


The Brackets editor now has an extension for ooc syntax highlighting. It can be installed from the Extensions Manager by searching for ooc syntax. The source is available on GitHub


gtksourceview-based tools such as gedit, meld, etc. have ooc support out of the box.


Basic syntax highlighting is available for Textadept editor, see textadept-ooc for the lexer script and install instructions.


pygments has relatively good ooc support built-in. It is a python solution for syntax highlighting used on GitHub and easy to integrate with static website generators such as nanoc.