An overview of the SDK’s packages

These pages will give you an overview of what you can find in the SDK:

  1. The lang package is imported by default in any ooc file. It contains essentials usable without further ado in any .ooc program.

  2. The structs package contains useful containers like lists and hash maps, but also stacks, and more cornercase stuff like multimaps and bags.

  3. The io package has modules for reading files, writing to files, and other input/output related matters.

  4. The math package is the home to everything numbers.

  5. The os package contains lots of goodies, from time management to terminal handling, to launching processes, reading from pipes, getting hardware information, manipulating environment variables, creating a parallel job pool, and even coroutines and channels!

  6. The net package has modules for relatively low-level network operations such as creating TCP and UDP sockets, and making DNS requests.

  7. The text package contains a Regexp class, a JSON encoder and decoder, a simple template engine, a string tokenizer, an option parser, and a helper classes for escape sequences.

  8. The threading package contains all things threads. (Shocker, I know!)

  9. The native package should not be imported directly - it contains platform-specific specific implementations of certain features.

If after reading those few pages you still have questions about the usage of standard SDK modules, feel free to ask on our discussion group (see Community).