

Sometimes, you just have to handle memory yourself. None of that class or cover stuff, just give me a raw block of memory any day.

You’ll see the gc_ prefix being used in the following page: that stands for Garbage Collection, which is enabled by default in ooc. However, when the GC is disabled, those will point to non-GC version of the functions.

So that your code remains flexible, do yourself a favor and use the gc_ variants regardless.

Allocating memory

Use gc_malloc to get a chunk of memory all to yourself.

// get ourselves a slice of 4 bytes
block := gc_malloc(4)

However, you’ll get a Pointer back - which is a little bit pointless. Plus you’ll probably want to determine how much you are allocating as a function of the size of some other type instead:

// get ourselves room to store 4 doubles.
doubles := gc_malloc(4 * Double size) as Double*

That’s better. Now you can index that, like any pointer:

doubles[0] = 3.14    
doubles[1] = 6.28    
// etc.

Pointer arithmetic works:

addressOfSecondDouble := doubles + 1

Then again, why not write it the explicit way:

addressOfSecondDouble := doubles[1]&

Note that gc_malloc returns zeroed memory (even when the GC is disabled), just like the C function calloc does. While a small performance hit, a little additional safety can’t hurt.

Allocating in bulks

calloc is typically used in C to get zeroed memory (e.g. all null bytes). This is unnecessary in ooc, since gc_malloc returns zeroed memory anyway.

In the rare cases where you do mean to allocate num members of size size, use gc_calloc:

members := gc_calloc(num, size)

Re-allocating memory

Didn’t get enough the first time around? Misjudged your budget needs?

Fear not, gc_realloc is here:

// get ourselves 4 bytes
block := gc_malloc(4)

// woops, make that 8
block = gc_realloc(block, 8)

Duplicating memory

In our family of memory-related functions, gc_strdup, nostalgically named as if it was only used with strings, is here. It’ll make a copy of a block of memory so that the original may be disposed of.

someCallback: func (word: CString) {
  // CString is a pointer to a memory block that will get
  // overriden sometimes after this function returns - hence,
  // we want to make a copy so that the data we got doesn't
  // get tampered with.
  storeString(String new(gc_strdup(word)))

The block of code above shows the typical use case, anyway.

Freeing memory

Technically, since we are using a garbage collector, you don’t need to free explicitly. Should you feel the need to do so, however, gc_free is here to do the job:

// you know what, I'm good for now, thanks.